1 cananian // OpMethod.java, created Sun Sep 13 22:49:23 1998 by cananian
 2 cananian 1.2     // Copyright (C) 1998 C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
 3 cananian 1.2     // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL; see COPYING for details.
 4 cananian 1.1     package harpoon.IR.Bytecode;
 5 cananian 1.1     
 6 cananian import harpoon.ClassFile.HClass;
 7 cananian import harpoon.ClassFile.HMethod;
 8 cananian import harpoon.IR.RawClass.Constant;
 9 cananian import harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantClass;
10 cananian import harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantNameAndType;
11 cananian import harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantMethodref;
12 cananian import harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantInterfaceMethodref;
13 cananian 1.1     
14 cananian 1.1     /**
15 cananian 1.1      * <code>OpMethod</code> represents a method reference operand of a
16 cananian 1.1      * java bytecode instruction.  It is generated from a
17 cananian 1.1      * <code>CONSTANT_Methodref</code> or 
18 cananian 1.1      * <code>CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref</code> constant pool entry.
19 cananian 1.1      *
20 cananian 1.1      * @author  C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
21 cananian 1.4      * @version $Id: OpMethod.java,v 1.4 2002/09/19 20:12:24 cananian Exp $
22 cananian  * @see harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantMethodref
23 cananian  * @see harpoon.IR.RawClass.ConstantInterfaceMethodref
24 cananian 1.1      */
25 cananian public final class OpMethod extends Operand {
26 cananian   final boolean isInterfaceMethod;
27 cananian   final HMethod hmethod;
28 cananian 1.1       /** Create an <code>OpMethod</code> from the <code>CONSTANT_Methodref</code>
29 cananian 1.1        *  or <code>CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref</code> at the given index in
30 cananian 1.1        *  the constant pool. */
31 cananian 1.1       public OpMethod(Code parent, int constant_pool_index) {
32 cananian 1.1         Constant c = parent.getConstant(constant_pool_index);
33 cananian 1.1         ConstantClass cc;
34 cananian 1.1         ConstantNameAndType cnt;
35 cananian 1.1         if (c instanceof ConstantMethodref) {
36 cananian 1.1           ConstantMethodref cm = (ConstantMethodref)c;
37 cananian 1.1           cc = cm.class_index();
38 cananian 1.1           cnt= cm.name_and_type_index();
39 cananian 1.1           isInterfaceMethod=false;
40 cananian 1.1         } else if (c instanceof ConstantInterfaceMethodref) {
41 cananian 1.1           ConstantInterfaceMethodref cm = (ConstantInterfaceMethodref)c;
42 cananian 1.1           cc = cm.class_index();
43 cananian 1.1           cnt= cm.name_and_type_index();
44 cananian 1.1           isInterfaceMethod=true;
45 cananian 1.1         } else 
46 cananian 1.1           throw new Error("OpMethod not given Methodref or InterfaceMethodref");
47 cananian 1.1     
48 cananian 1.4         // jikes is very sketchy: they invoke methods of arrays, so cc.name()
49 cananian 1.4         // may start with a '[', in which case treat cc.name() as a descriptor
50 cananian 1.4         // instead of a funny form of /-delimited class name.
51 cananian 1.4         HClass cls = cc.name().charAt(0)=='[' ?
52 cananian 1.4             parent.linker.forDescriptor(cc.name()) :
53 cananian 1.4             parent.linker.forDescriptor("L"+cc.name()+";");
54 cananian 1.1         this.hmethod = cls.getMethod(cnt.name(), cnt.descriptor());
55 cananian 1.1       }
56 cananian 1.1       /** Return the method referenced by this operand. */
57 cananian 1.1       public HMethod value() { return hmethod; }
58 cananian 1.1       /** Indicates whether this operand references an interface method. */
59 cananian 1.1       public boolean isInterface() { return isInterfaceMethod; }
60 cananian 1.1       /** Return the canonical name of the method referenced. */
61 cananian 1.1       public String toString() { return hmethod.toString(); }
62 cananian 1.1     }