1 cananian // Code.java, created Sun Sep 13 22:49:20 1998 by cananian
  2 cananian 1.6      // Copyright (C) 1998 C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
  3 cananian 1.6      // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL; see COPYING for details.
  4 cananian 1.1      package harpoon.IR.Bytecode;
  5 cananian 1.1      
  6 cananian  import harpoon.ClassFile.HClass;
  7 cananian  import harpoon.ClassFile.HCode;
  8 cananian import harpoon.ClassFile.HCodeAndMaps;
  9 cananian  import harpoon.ClassFile.HCodeElement;
 10 cananian  import harpoon.ClassFile.HCodeFactory;
 11 cananian  import harpoon.ClassFile.HMethod;
 12 cananian import harpoon.ClassFile.Linker;
 13 cananian  import harpoon.IR.RawClass.MethodInfo;
 14 cananian  import harpoon.IR.RawClass.AttributeCode;
 15 cananian  import harpoon.IR.RawClass.AttributeLineNumberTable;
 16 cananian  import harpoon.IR.RawClass.LineNumberTable;
 17 cananian  import harpoon.IR.RawClass.Constant;
 18 cananian import harpoon.Temp.TempMap;
 19 cananian 1.14     import harpoon.Util.ArrayFactory;
 20 cananian 1.14     import harpoon.Util.Collections.Graph;
 21 cananian 1.1      import harpoon.Util.Util;
 22 cananian 1.1      
 23 cananian 1.14     import java.util.AbstractSet;
 24 cananian  import java.util.ArrayList;
 25 cananian  import java.util.Collections;
 26 cananian 1.5      import java.util.Enumeration;
 27 cananian  import java.util.HashSet;
 28 cananian  import java.util.List;
 29 cananian  import java.util.Iterator;
 30 cananian import java.util.Map;
 31 cananian  import java.util.Set;
 32 cananian 1.1      /**
 33 cananian 1.1       * <code>Bytecode.Code</code> is a code view that exposes the
 34 cananian 1.1       * raw java classfile bytecodes.
 35 cananian 1.1       *
 36 cananian 1.1       * @author  C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
 37 cananian 1.14      * @version $Id: Code.java,v 1.14 2003/05/09 21:08:01 cananian Exp $
 38 cananian 1.1       * @see harpoon.ClassFile.HCode
 39 cananian 1.1       */
 40 cananian 1.14     public class Code extends HCode implements Graph<Instr,InstrEdge> {
 41 cananian    /** The name of this code view. */
 42 cananian    public static final String codename = "bytecode";
 43 cananian 1.1      
 44 cananian   final Linker linker;
 45 cananian   final HMethod parent;
 46 cananian   final MethodInfo methodinfo;
 47 cananian 1.1      
 48 cananian 1.1        /** Constructor. */
 49 cananian 1.1        public Code(HMethod parent, MethodInfo methodinfo) {
 50 cananian     this.linker = parent.getDeclaringClass().getLinker();
 51 cananian 1.1          this.parent = parent;
 52 cananian 1.1          this.methodinfo = methodinfo;
 53 cananian 1.8        }
 54 cananian 1.8        /** Clone this code representation.  The clone has its own copy of the
 55 cananian 1.8         *  bytecode graph. */
 56 cananian   public HCodeAndMaps clone(HMethod newMethod) {
 57 cananian     final HCode cloned = new Code(newMethod, methodinfo);
 58 cananian     return new HCodeAndMaps(cloned, null, null, this, null, null);
 59 cananian 1.1        }
 60 cananian 1.1      
 61 cananian 1.1        /**
 62 cananian 1.1         * Return the <code>HMethod</code> this codeview
 63 cananian 1.1         * belongs to.
 64 cananian 1.1         */
 65 cananian 1.1        public HMethod getMethod() { return parent; }
 66 cananian 1.1      
 67 cananian 1.1        /**
 68 cananian 1.1         * Return the name of this code view, <code>"bytecode"</code>.
 69 cananian 1.1         * @return the string <code>"bytecode"</code>.
 70 cananian 1.1         */
 71 cananian    public String getName() { return codename; }
 72 cananian 1.1      
 73 cananian 1.1        /**
 74 cananian 1.1         * Return an ordered list of the <code>Bytecode.Instr</code>s
 75 cananian 1.1         * making up this code view.  The first instruction to be
 76 cananian 1.1         * executed is in element 0 of the array.
 77 cananian 1.1         */
 78 cananian 1.14       public List<Instr> getElementsL() {
 79 cananian 1.1          if (elements==null) {
 80 cananian        if (getCode()==null) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // no elements.
 81 cananian 1.1            String sf = parent.getDeclaringClass().getSourceFile(); // source file.
 82 cananian 1.1            byte[] code = getCode().code; // bytecode array.
 83 cananian 1.1            // First locate merge nodes.
 84 cananian        int[] merge = new int[code.length+1]; // init to 0.
 85 cananian 1.7            merge[0]++; // the first instruction is reachable from outside.
 86 cananian 1.1            for (int pc=0; pc<code.length; pc+=Op.instrSize(code, pc)) {
 87 cananian 1.1              // if its a branch, mark the possible targets.
 88 cananian 1.1              if (Op.isBranch(code[pc])) {
 89 cananian 1.1                int[] targets = Op.branchTargets(code, pc);
 90 cananian 1.1                for (int i=0; i<targets.length; i++)
 91 cananian 1.1                  merge[targets[i]]++; // mark a jump to this pc.
 92 cananian 1.1              }
 93 cananian 1.1              // unless its an unconditional branch, we can fall through to the
 94 cananian 1.1              // next instr, too.  Note that we shouldn't be able to fall off
 95 cananian 1.1              // the end of the method.
 96 cananian 1.1              if ((!Op.isUnconditionalBranch(code[pc])) ||
 97 cananian 1.1                  Op.isJSR(code[pc])) // jsrs eventually return to next instr, too.
 98 cananian 1.1                merge[pc+Op.instrSize(code, pc)]++;
 99 cananian 1.1            }
100 cananian 1.1            // try handlers count as targets, too
101 cananian 1.1            for (int i=0; i<getCode().exception_table.length; i++)
102 cananian 1.1              merge[getCode().exception_table[i].handler_pc]++;
103 cananian 1.1      
104 cananian        // if merge[code.length]!=0, then execution may run off end of method.
105 cananian        if (merge[code.length]>0)
106 cananian          System.err.println("WARNING: execution may run off end of "+parent);
107 cananian  
108 cananian 1.1            // now all pc's for which merge>1 are merge nodes.
109 cananian 1.1            Instr[] sparse = new Instr[code.length]; // index by pc still. 
110 cananian 1.1            // crank through and add instrs without making links.
111 cananian 1.14           List<Instr> v = new ArrayList<Instr>(code.length);
112 cananian 1.1            for (int pc=0; pc<code.length; pc+=Op.instrSize(code, pc)) {
113 cananian 1.1              int line = getLine(pc);
114 cananian 1.1              // make merge node if appropriate.
115 cananian 1.1              InMerge m = null;
116 cananian 1.1              if (merge[pc] > 1)
117 cananian            v.add(m = new InMerge(sf, line, merge[pc] /*arity*/));
118 cananian 1.1              // make Instr object for this pc.
119 cananian 1.1              if (Op.isBranch(code[pc])) {
120 cananian 1.1                if (code[pc]==Op.TABLESWITCH || code[pc]==Op.LOOKUPSWITCH)
121 cananian 1.1                  sparse[pc] = new InSwitch(sf, line, code, pc);
122 cananian            else if (code[pc]==Op.RET)
123 cananian              sparse[pc] = new InRet(sf, line, code, pc);
124 cananian 1.1                else
125 cananian 1.1                  sparse[pc] = new InCti(sf, line, code, pc);
126 cananian 1.1              } else
127 cananian 1.1                sparse[pc] = new InGen(sf, line, code, pc, this);
128 cananian          v.add(sparse[pc]);
129 cananian 1.1              // Daisy-chain merge node if appropriate.
130 cananian 1.1              if (m != null) {
131 cananian 1.1                m.addNext(sparse[pc]);
132 cananian 1.1                sparse[pc].addPrev(m);
133 cananian 1.1                sparse[pc] = m;
134 cananian 1.1              }
135 cananian 1.1            }
136 cananian 1.1            // okay.  The instructions are made (in pc order, no less...)
137 cananian 1.1            // link 'em.
138 cananian 1.1            for (int pc=0; pc<code.length; pc+=Op.instrSize(code, pc)) {
139 cananian 1.1              Instr curr = sparse[pc];
140 cananian 1.1              if (curr instanceof InMerge)
141 cananian            curr = ((InMerge)curr).next(0);
142 cananian 1.1              if ((!Op.isUnconditionalBranch(code[pc])) ||
143 cananian 1.1                  Op.isJSR(code[pc])) { // jsrs return to next instruction eventually
144 cananian            // JVM spec is not clear whether 'code can run off end of array'
145 cananian            // or not.
146 cananian            if ((pc+Op.instrSize(code, pc)) < code.length) {
147 cananian              // link to next pc.
148 cananian              Instr next = sparse[pc+Op.instrSize(code, pc)];
149 cananian              curr.addNext(next);
150 cananian              next.addPrev(curr);
151 cananian            }
152 cananian 1.1              }
153 cananian 1.1              if (Op.isBranch(code[pc])) {
154 cananian 1.1                // link to branch targets.
155 cananian 1.1                int[] targets = Op.branchTargets(code, pc);
156 cananian 1.1                for (int i=0; i<targets.length; i++) {
157 cananian 1.1                  Instr next = sparse[targets[i]];
158 cananian 1.1                  curr.addNext(next);
159 cananian 1.1                  next.addPrev(curr);
160 cananian 1.1                }
161 cananian 1.1              }
162 cananian 1.1            }
163 cananian 1.1            // Make tryBlocks table.
164 cananian        harpoon.IR.RawClass.ExceptionTable et[] =
165 cananian 1.1              getCode().exception_table;
166 cananian 1.1            tryBlocks = new ExceptionEntry[et.length];
167 cananian 1.1            for (int i=0; i<tryBlocks.length; i++) { // for each table entry...
168 cananian 1.1              // Add all the PC's in the try block to a list.
169 cananian 1.14             Set<Instr> uv = new HashSet<Instr>(et[i].end_pc-et[i].start_pc);
170 cananian 1.1              for (int pc=et[i].start_pc;
171 cananian 1.1                   pc < et[i].end_pc;
172 cananian               pc+=Op.instrSize(code,pc)) {
173 cananian            uv.add(sparse[pc]);
174 cananian            if (sparse[pc] instanceof InMerge) // merges come in pairs.
175 cananian              uv.add(sparse[pc].next(0));
176 cananian          }
177 cananian 1.1              // Make an HClass for the exception caught...
178 cananian 1.1              HClass ex = null;
179 cananian 1.1              if (et[i].catch_type != 0)
180 cananian           ex = linker.forDescriptor("L"+et[i].catch_type().name()+";");
181 cananian 1.1              else
182 cananian 1.2                ex = null; // to indicate 'catch any'.
183 cananian 1.1              // and make the official exception entry.
184 cananian         tryBlocks[i] = new ExceptionEntry(i, uv, ex, sparse[et[i].handler_pc]);
185 cananian 1.1            }
186 cananian        // Okay.  Just trim our list and we're ready to rumble.
187 cananian        ((ArrayList)v).trimToSize();
188 cananian        elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(v);
189 cananian 1.1          }
190 cananian      return elements;
191 cananian 1.1        }
192 cananian 1.1        /** Cached value of <code>getElements</code>. */
193 cananian 1.14       private List<Instr> elements = null;
194 cananian 1.1        /** Cached value of <code>getTryBlocks</code> blocks. */
195 cananian 1.1        private ExceptionEntry[] tryBlocks = null;
196 cananian 1.4      
197 cananian 1.14       public List<Instr> getLeafElementsL() {
198 cananian 1.4          if (leaves == null) {
199 cananian 1.14           leaves = new ArrayList<Instr>();
200 cananian 1.14           for (Iterator<Instr> i = getElementsI(); i.hasNext(); ) {
201 cananian 1.14             Instr in = i.next();
202 cananian          if (in.next.size()==0)
203 cananian            leaves.add(in);
204 cananian        }
205 cananian        ((ArrayList)leaves).trimToSize();
206 cananian        leaves = Collections.unmodifiableList(leaves);
207 cananian 1.4          }
208 cananian      return leaves;
209 cananian    }
210 cananian 1.14       private List<Instr> leaves = null;
211 cananian  
212 cananian 1.14       public Instr[] getLeafElements() {
213 cananian 1.14         List<Instr> l = getLeafElementsL();
214 cananian 1.14         return l.toArray(new Instr[l.size()]);
215 cananian 1.4        }
216 cananian  
217 cananian    // implement elementArrayFactory which returns Instr[]s.
218 cananian 1.14       public ArrayFactory<Instr> elementArrayFactory() {
219 cananian 1.14         return Instr.arrayFactory;
220 cananian 1.14       }
221 cananian 1.14     
222 cananian 1.14       // Graph interface
223 cananian 1.14       public Set<Instr> nodes() {
224 cananian 1.14         final List<Instr> l = getElementsL();
225 cananian 1.14         return new AbstractSet<Instr>() {
226 cananian 1.14           public Iterator<Instr> iterator() { return l.iterator(); }
227 cananian 1.14           public int size() { return l.size(); }
228 cananian 1.14         };
229 cananian 1.14       }
230 cananian 1.1      
231 cananian 1.1        // special non-HCode-mandated access functions.
232 cananian 1.1        /** Get the number of local variables used in this method, including
233 cananian 1.1         *  the parameters passed to the method on invocation.  */
234 cananian 1.1        public int getMaxLocals() { return getCode().max_locals; }
235 cananian 1.1        /** Get the maximum number of words on the operand stack at any point
236 cananian 1.1         *  during execution of this method. */
237 cananian 1.1        public int getMaxStack() { return getCode().max_stack; }
238 cananian 1.1        /** Get an array with the try-catch blocks/handlers for this bytecode. */
239 cananian 1.12       public ExceptionEntry[] getTryBlocks() { getElementsL(); return tryBlocks; }
240 cananian 1.1      
241 cananian 1.1        /** Represents exception handlers in this code view. */
242 cananian   public static class ExceptionEntry implements Comparable {
243 cananian     int order; // smaller numbers have precedence over higher numbers.
244 cananian 1.14         Set<Instr> tryBlock;
245 cananian 1.1          HClass caughtException;
246 cananian 1.1          Instr handler;
247 cananian     ExceptionEntry(int order,
248 cananian 1.14                        Set<Instr> tryBlock, HClass caughtException, Instr handler){
249 cananian       this.order = order;
250 cananian 1.1            this.tryBlock = tryBlock;
251 cananian 1.1            this.caughtException = caughtException;
252 cananian 1.1            this.handler = handler;
253 cananian 1.1          }
254 cananian 1.1          public boolean inTry(Instr i) { return tryBlock.contains(i); }
255 cananian 1.1          public HClass  caughtException() { return caughtException; }
256 cananian 1.1          public Instr   handler() { return handler; }
257 cananian 
258 cananian     public int compareTo(Object o) {
259 cananian       int cmp = this.order - ((ExceptionEntry)o).order;
260 cananian       if (cmp==0 && !this.equals(o)) // check consistency.
261 cananian         throw new ClassCastException("Comparing uncomparable objects");
262 cananian       return cmp;
263 cananian     }
264 cananian     public String toString() {
265 cananian       return "Exception Entry #"+order+" for "+caughtException;
266 cananian     }
267 cananian 1.1        }
268 cananian 1.1      
269 cananian 1.1        // Utility functions.
270 cananian 1.1        /** Return the Code attribute of this method. */
271 cananian 1.1        private AttributeCode getCode() {
272 cananian 1.1          if (attrcode==null) { // check cache.
273 cananian 1.1            for (int i=0; i<methodinfo.attributes.length; i++)
274 cananian 1.1              if (methodinfo.attributes[i] instanceof AttributeCode) {
275 cananian 1.1                attrcode = (AttributeCode) methodinfo.attributes[i];
276 cananian 1.1                break;
277 cananian 1.1              }
278 cananian 1.1          }
279 cananian 1.1          return attrcode; // null if no code attribute was found.
280 cananian 1.1        }
281 cananian 1.1        private AttributeCode attrcode = null;
282 cananian 1.1        /** Look up a constant in the appropriate constant_pool. */
283 cananian 1.1        public Constant getConstant(int index) { return getCode().constant(index); }
284 cananian 1.1      
285 cananian 1.1      
286 cananian 1.1        /** Get the line number corresponding to a given pc in the code
287 cananian 1.1         *  array.  Zero is returned if there is no line number information
288 cananian 1.1         *  in the code attribute. */
289 cananian 1.1        private int getLine(int pc) {
290 cananian 1.1          int lineno = 0;
291 cananian 1.1          AttributeCode code = getCode();
292 cananian 1.1          for (int i=0; i<code.attributes.length; i++) {
293 cananian 1.1            if (code.attributes[i] instanceof AttributeLineNumberTable) {
294 cananian 1.1              LineNumberTable[] lnt = 
295 cananian 1.1                ((AttributeLineNumberTable) code.attributes[i]).line_number_table;
296 cananian 1.1              for (int j=0; j<lnt.length; j++)
297 cananian 1.1                if (lnt[j].start_pc <= pc)
298 cananian 1.1                  lineno = lnt[j].line_number;
299 cananian 1.1                else
300 cananian 1.1                  break; // start_pc must be uniformly increasing within each table.
301 cananian 1.1            }
302 cananian 1.1          }
303 cananian 1.1          // hopefully this has done it.
304 cananian 1.1          return lineno;
305 cananian    }
306 cananian  
307 cananian    /** Return an HCodeFactory for Bytecode form. */
308 cananian    public static HCodeFactory codeFactory() {
309 cananian     return harpoon.ClassFile.Loader.systemCodeFactory;
310 cananian 1.1        }
311 cananian 1.1      }
312 cananian 1.1      
313 cananian 1.1      // set emacs indentation style.
314 cananian 1.1      // Local Variables:
315 cananian 1.1      // c-basic-offset:2
316 cananian 1.1      // End: