1 cananian // WeightedGraph.java, created Mon Nov 16 23:33:21 1998 by mfoltz
  2 cananian // Copyright (C) 1998 Mark A. Foltz <mfoltz@ai.mit.edu>
  3 cananian // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL; see COPYING for details.
  4 cananian 
  5 mfoltz   1.1     // -*-Mode: Java-*- 
  6 mfoltz   1.1     // WeightedGraph.java -- 
  7 mfoltz   1.1     // Author: Mark Foltz <mfoltz@ai.mit.edu> 
  8 mfoltz   1.1     // Maintainer: Mark Foltz <mfoltz@ai.mit.edu> 
  9 mfoltz   1.1     // Version: 
 10 mfoltz   1.1     // Created: <Thu Oct 22 23:11:21 1998> 
 11 mfoltz   1.3     // Time-stamp: <1998-11-21 18:59:53 mfoltz> 
 12 mfoltz   1.1     // Keywords: 
 13 mfoltz   1.1     
 14 mfoltz   1.2     package harpoon.Analysis.Partition;
 15 mfoltz   1.1     
 16 mfoltz   1.1     import java.util.Enumeration;
 17 mfoltz   1.1     import java.util.Hashtable;
 18 mfoltz   1.1     
 19 mfoltz   1.1     /**
 20 mfoltz   1.1      * 
 21 mfoltz   1.1      * @author  Mark A. Foltz <mfoltz@ai.mit.edu>
 22 cananian 1.4      * @version $Id: WeightedGraph.java,v 1.4 2002/02/25 20:58:28 cananian Exp $
 23 mfoltz   1.1      */
 24 mfoltz   1.1     
 25 mfoltz   1.1     public class WeightedGraph {
 26 mfoltz   1.1     
 27 mfoltz   1.1       Hashtable _nodes = new Hashtable();
 28 mfoltz   1.3       //  public static final long _pinfinity = Long.MAX_VALUE;
 29 mfoltz   1.3       //  public static final long _ninfinity = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
 30 mfoltz   1.1       int _dummyindex = 0;
 31 mfoltz   1.1       
 32 mfoltz   1.3       public WeightedGraph() { }
 33 mfoltz   1.1     
 34 mfoltz   1.1       public WeightedGraph(WeightedGraph g) {
 35 mfoltz   1.1         Enumeration nodes = g.getNodes();
 36 mfoltz   1.1         WGNode node, oldto, to;
 37 mfoltz   1.1         int i;
 38 mfoltz   1.1     
 39 mfoltz   1.1         while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) {
 40 mfoltz   1.1           addNode(new WGNode((WGNode) nodes.nextElement()));
 41 mfoltz   1.1         }
 42 mfoltz   1.1     
 43 mfoltz   1.1         nodes = getNodes();
 44 mfoltz   1.1         while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) {
 45 mfoltz   1.1           node = (WGNode) nodes.nextElement();
 46 mfoltz   1.1           for (i = 0; i < node.degree(); i++) {
 47 mfoltz   1.1             oldto = (WGNode) node._edges.elementAt(i);
 48 mfoltz   1.1             to = getNode(oldto._name);
 49 mfoltz   1.1             if (to != null) node._edges.setElementAt(to, i);
 50 mfoltz   1.1           }
 51 mfoltz   1.1         }
 52 mfoltz   1.1     
 53 mfoltz   1.1       }
 54 mfoltz   1.1     
 55 mfoltz   1.1       public WGNode getNode(String name) {
 56 mfoltz   1.1         return (WGNode) _nodes.get(name);
 57 mfoltz   1.1       }
 58 mfoltz   1.1     
 59 mfoltz   1.1       public Enumeration getNodes() {
 60 mfoltz   1.1         return _nodes.elements();
 61 mfoltz   1.1       }
 62 mfoltz   1.1     
 63 mfoltz   1.1       public WGNode addNode(WGNode node) {
 64 mfoltz   1.1         return (WGNode) _nodes.put(node._name, node);
 65 mfoltz   1.1       }
 66 mfoltz   1.1     
 67 mfoltz   1.1       public WGNode clearNode(WGNode node) {
 68 mfoltz   1.1         return (WGNode) _nodes.remove(node._name);
 69 mfoltz   1.1       }
 70 mfoltz   1.1     
 71 mfoltz   1.1       public WGNode removeNode(WGNode node) {
 72 mfoltz   1.1         node.removeEdges();
 73 mfoltz   1.1         return (WGNode) _nodes.remove(node._name);
 74 mfoltz   1.1       }
 75 mfoltz   1.1     
 76 mfoltz   1.1       public boolean isEmpty() {
 77 mfoltz   1.1         return _nodes.isEmpty();
 78 mfoltz   1.1       }
 79 mfoltz   1.1     
 80 mfoltz   1.1       public void clear() {
 81 mfoltz   1.1         _nodes.clear();
 82 mfoltz   1.1       }
 83 mfoltz   1.1     
 84 mfoltz   1.1       public int size() {
 85 mfoltz   1.1         return _nodes.size();
 86 mfoltz   1.1       }
 87 mfoltz   1.1     
 88 mfoltz   1.1       public boolean contains(WGNode node) {
 89 mfoltz   1.1         return _nodes.containsKey(node._name);
 90 mfoltz   1.1       }
 91 mfoltz   1.1     
 92 mfoltz   1.1       public String toString() {
 93 mfoltz   1.1         WGNode n;
 94 mfoltz   1.1         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 95 mfoltz   1.1         for (Enumeration e = getNodes(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
 96 mfoltz   1.1           n = (WGNode) e.nextElement();
 97 mfoltz   1.1           sb.append(n.toString());
 98 mfoltz   1.1         }
 99 mfoltz   1.1         return sb.toString();
100 mfoltz   1.1       }
101 mfoltz   1.1     
102 mfoltz   1.1       public void addDummies(int n) {
103 mfoltz   1.1         WGNode dummy;
104 mfoltz   1.1         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
105 mfoltz   1.1           dummy = new WGNode("__dummy"+_dummyindex,null);
106 mfoltz   1.1           dummy._dummy = true;
107 mfoltz   1.1           _nodes.put(dummy._name, dummy);
108 mfoltz   1.1           _dummyindex++;
109 mfoltz   1.1         }
110 mfoltz   1.1       }
111 mfoltz   1.1     
112 mfoltz   1.1       public void removeDummies() {
113 mfoltz   1.1         WGNode node;
114 mfoltz   1.1         for (Enumeration e = _nodes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
115 mfoltz   1.1           node = (WGNode) e.nextElement();
116 mfoltz   1.1           if (node._dummy) _nodes.remove(node._name);
117 mfoltz   1.1         }
118 mfoltz   1.1       }
119 mfoltz   1.1                                       
120 mfoltz   1.1       static public void addToEdge(WGNode from, WGNode to, long weight) {
121 mfoltz   1.1         from.addToEdge(to, weight);
122 mfoltz   1.1         to.addToEdge(from, weight);
123 mfoltz   1.1       }
124 mfoltz   1.1     
125 mfoltz   1.1       static public void setEdge(WGNode from, WGNode to, long weight) {
126 mfoltz   1.1         from.setEdge(to, weight);
127 mfoltz   1.1         to.setEdge(from, weight);
128 mfoltz   1.1       }
129 mfoltz   1.1         
130 mfoltz   1.1       static public void exchange(WeightedGraph g1, WGNode n1, WeightedGraph g2, WGNode n2) {
131 mfoltz   1.1         g1.addNode(g2.getNode(n2._name));
132 mfoltz   1.1         g2.addNode(g1.getNode(n1._name));
133 mfoltz   1.1         g1.clearNode(n1);
134 mfoltz   1.1         g2.clearNode(n2);
135 mfoltz   1.1       }
136 mfoltz   1.1     
137 mfoltz   1.1       static WeightedGraph createRandomGraph(int n, int u, int v, long w) {
138 mfoltz   1.1     
139 mfoltz   1.1         WeightedGraph g = new WeightedGraph();
140 mfoltz   1.1         WGNode[] nodes = new WGNode[n];
141 mfoltz   1.1         int num_edges, i, j, k;
142 mfoltz   1.1     
143 mfoltz   1.1         for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
144 mfoltz   1.1           nodes[i] = new WGNode("Node"+i,null);
145 mfoltz   1.1           g.addNode(nodes[i]);
146 mfoltz   1.1         }
147 mfoltz   1.1     
148 mfoltz   1.1         for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
149 mfoltz   1.1           num_edges = u - v + (int) (Math.random()*2*v);
150 mfoltz   1.1           for (j = 0; j < num_edges; j++) {
151 mfoltz   1.1             k = (int) (Math.random()*n);
152 mfoltz   1.1             if (k != i) WeightedGraph.addToEdge(nodes[i], nodes[k], (long) (Math.random()*w));
153 mfoltz   1.1           }
154 mfoltz   1.1         }
155 mfoltz   1.1     
156 mfoltz   1.1         return g;
157 mfoltz   1.1     
158 mfoltz   1.1       }
159 mfoltz   1.3       
160 mfoltz   1.3       // a Long.MAX_VALUE weight is +infinity. a -Long.MAX_VALUE weight is -infinity.
161 mfoltz   1.3       // must maintain this distinction through ops.
162 mfoltz   1.3     
163 mfoltz   1.3       static long weightPlus(long w1, long w2) {
164 mfoltz   1.3         if ((w1 == Long.MAX_VALUE && w2 == -Long.MAX_VALUE)
165 mfoltz   1.3           || (w1 == -Long.MAX_VALUE && w2 == Long.MAX_VALUE)) return 0;
166 mfoltz   1.3         if (w1 == Long.MAX_VALUE || w2 == Long.MAX_VALUE) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
167 mfoltz   1.3         else if (w1 == -Long.MAX_VALUE || w2 == -Long.MAX_VALUE) return -Long.MAX_VALUE;
168 mfoltz   1.3         else return w1+w2;
169 mfoltz   1.3       }
170 mfoltz   1.3     
171 mfoltz   1.3     //   static boolean weightLEQ(long w1, long w2) {
172 mfoltz   1.3     //     if (w2 == -1) return true;
173 mfoltz   1.3     //     else if (w1 == -1 && w2 != -1) return false;
174 mfoltz   1.3     //     else return (w1 <= w2);
175 mfoltz   1.3     //   }
176 mfoltz   1.3     
177 mfoltz   1.3     //   static long weightNeg(long w) {
178 mfoltz   1.3     //     if (w == -1) return -2;
179 mfoltz   1.3     //     else if (w == -2) return -1;
180 mfoltz   1.3     //     else return -w;
181 mfoltz   1.3     //   }
182 mfoltz   1.1                                 
183 mfoltz   1.1     }
184 mfoltz   1.1     
185 mfoltz   1.1