1 cananian 1.1     // ConstMap.java, created Wed Aug 19 01:05:58 1998 by cananian
 2 cananian 1.2     // Copyright (C) 1998 C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
 3 cananian 1.2     // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL; see COPYING for details.
 4 cananian 1.1     package harpoon.Analysis.Maps;
 5 cananian 1.1     
 6 cananian 1.1     import harpoon.Temp.Temp;
 7 cananian import harpoon.ClassFile.HCodeElement;
 8 cananian 1.1     /**
 9 cananian 1.1      * <code>ConstMap</code> is a mapping from temporaries to their constant
10 cananian 1.1      * values.
11 cananian 1.1      * 
12 cananian 1.1      * @author  C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
13 cananian 1.4      * @version $Id: ConstMap.java,v 1.4 2002/09/02 19:23:26 cananian Exp $
14 cananian 1.1      */
15 cananian 1.1     
16 cananian 1.4     public interface ConstMap<HCE extends HCodeElement>  {
17 cananian 1.1         /** 
18 cananian      * Determine whether a given temporary has a constant value at
19 cananian      * the specified definition point.
20 cananian      * @param hce the definition point.
21 cananian 1.1          * @param t  the <code>Temp</code> to be examined.
22 cananian      * @return <code>true</code> is the given definition point can
23 cananian      *         be proven to give the specified <code>Temp</code> a 
24 cananian      *         constant value, <code>false</code> otherwise.
25 cananian 1.1          */
26 cananian 1.4         public boolean isConst(HCE hce, Temp t);
27 cananian 1.1         /** 
28 cananian      * Determine the constant value of a given temporary in the
29 cananian      * context of a specific definition.
30 cananian      * @param hce the definition point.
31 cananian 1.1          * @param t  the temporary to be examined.
32 cananian 1.1          * @return an object corresponding to the constant value of this
33 cananian      *         temporary defined at this point.  Values of base types
34 cananian      *         get wrapped in objects in the standard way.
35 cananian      * @exception Error if <code>isConst(hce, t)</code> is false.
36 cananian 1.1          */
37 cananian 1.4         public Object constMap(HCE hce, Temp t);
38 cananian 1.1     }