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Here are more details on each Quad statement. First the header and footer nodes:
Start node in the control flow graph with end node f. Performs no operation. Zero predecessors, one successor.
Start node in the control flow graph for a method with parameters p and end node f. A subclass of HEADER. The method arguments are loaded into $p_0 \ldots p_n$ before execution starts. Zero predecessors, one successor.
Final node in control-flow graph. Performs no operation. All RETURN and THROW statements must have the graph's FOOTER as their only successor. FOOTER nodes may have any positive number of predecessors. They have no successors.
The following Quads modify the control-flow:
PHI(t, l)
Control flow merges at PHI nodes. A phi node represents a list of $\phi$-functions of the form

\begin{displaymath}t_i = \phi(l_{i0}, l_{i1} \ldots l_{ij}) \end{displaymath}

where j is the arity of the $\phi$-function; that is, the number of predecessors to the node. Any non-negative number of predecessors, one successor.
Conditional jump based on the boolean t. If t is false (0), control flows to the first successor (next[0]). If t is true (1), control flows to the second successor (next[1]). One predecessor, two successors.
SWITCH(t, k)
Indexed jump. Depending on the value of index variable t and a key list k, control is transferred to targetn where t = kn. If t does not match any key in k, control is transferred to the default targetn+1 where kn is the last key in the key list. One predecessor, multiple successors.
Return an optional value t from this method. One predecessor, one successor. The single successor should be a FOOTER node.
Throws an exception t as the result of this method. One predecessor, one successor. The single successor should be a FOOTER node.
The remaining Quads have no effect on control flow, and have exactly one predecessor and one successor. No exceptions are thrown.
AGET(t1, t2, t3)
Fetches the element at index t3from array t2 and stores the value in t1.
ALENGTH(t1, t2)
Puts the length of array t2 into variable t1.
ANEW(t1, c, l)
Creates a new uninitialized array with type c and dimensions $l_0 \ldots l_n$, storing a reference in t1. The number of dimensions supplied in list l may be smaller than the number of dimensions of array class type c, in which case only the n dimensions specified in l will be created.
ASET(t1, t2, t3)
Sets the element at index t2 of array t1 to the value in t3.
CALL(m, t, p, r, e)
Calls method m of optional class reference t with parameter list $p_0 \ldots p_n$, putting the return value in rif no exception is thrown, or setting e to the thrown exception. Either r or e will be null on completion of the CALL. Exception e is not automatically thrown from the method containing the CALL: e must be explicitly tested and its exception rethrown if that behavior is desired. t is not needed for static methods.
COMPONENTOF(t1, t2, t3)
Puts the boolean value true (1) in t1 if object t3 is an instance of the component type of array t2, or false (0) otherwise.
CONST(t, c, y)
Assigns numeric or string constant c of type y to variable t.
GET(t1, f, t2)
Puts the value of field f of optional object t2 in variable t1. t2 is not necessary for static fields.
INSTANCEOF(t1, t2, c)
Puts the boolean value true (1) in t1 if object t2 is an instance of class c, or false (0) otherwise.
MOVE(t1, t2)
Copies the value in t2 into t1.
NEW(t, c)
Create a new uninitialized instance of class c, storing a reference in t. A class constructor must be invoked using CALL in order to initialize the instance.
NOP( )
Performs no operation.
OPER(o, t, l)
Performs operation o on the variables in list l, storing the result in t. The operation is represented as a string; figure 3 lists all valid operation strings. The operations performed by the strings are identical to the operations performed by the Java bytecode operation of the same name, except that no exceptions are ever thrown. See [LY96] for details.
SET(f, t1, t2)
Sets field f of optional object t1 to the value of t2. t1 is not necessary for static fields.
The harpoon.IR.QuadSSA.Code class provides a means to access the QuadSSA form of a given method; see the definition of superclass harpoon.ClassFile.HCode and the example code in harpoon.Main.Main for details.

Figure 3: Classes comprising the QuadSSA intermediate representation. Only the constructors are shown; the object field variables correspond exactly to the names of the constructor arguments.
\begin{figure*}\texttt{\small %
..., ''lsub'', ''lushr'', ''lxor''
\item[] \};

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C. Scott Ananian