Package harpoon.Main

Class Summary
CallGraph CallGraph is a command-line call-graph generation tool.
CHStats CHStats computes interesting statistics of the compiler class hierarchy for inclusion in papers and theses.
CodeGenerator CodeGenerator
CompilerStage CompilerStage
CompilerStageEZ CompilerStageEZ
CompilerState CompilerState is an immutable tuple that encapsulates the date required while compiling a program.
CompStagePipeline CompStagePipeline is a special CompilerStage that is the sequential composition of a list of CompilerStages.
DynamicSyncRemoval DynamicSyncRemoval
EDMain EDMain is a program to compile java classes to some approximation of StrongARM assembly.
EDXMain EDXMain is a program to compile java classes to some approximation of StrongARM assembly.
EventDriven EventDriven
EventDrivenTransformation EventDrivenTransformation
Graph Graph is a command-line graph generation tool.
Javap Javap is a low-level clone of javap that supports GJ signatures.
Javap2 Javap2 is a clone of the Sun javap tool, using our higher-level bytecode file infrastructure.
JMain JMain is the command-line interface to the compiler.
Lint Lint is a quick Java code-checker.
Main Main is the command-line interface to the compiler.
MIPSOptimizations MIPSOptimizations
MZFCompilerStage MZFCompilerStage
Options Options contains the values of the current runtime environment.
Purity Purity
Raw Raw prints out the raw data structures from the class file corresponding to the class name given on the command-line.
RoleInference RoleInference
Run Run invokes the interpreter.
SAMain SAMain is the entry point for most of the analyses and optimizations implemented in Flex.
Settings Settings
Sizer Sizer computes the sizes of all the methods used in a given program.
Transactions Transactions
TypesMain PrintTypes
WriteBarriers WriteBarriers

Enum Summary