Package harpoon.Backend.MIPS

Provides the classes for generating assembly code targetting the MIPS architecture.


Class Summary
BypassLatchSchedule BypassLatchSchedule is a transformation on low level, register allocated assembly code that annotates opcode to indicate if a given use is the last use of a register.
CodeGen MIPS.CodeGen is a code-generator for the MIPS II architecture.
Frame Frame contains the machine-dependant information necessary to compile for the MIPS processor.
InstrBuilder MIPS.InstrBuilder is an Generic.InstrBuilder for the MIPS architecture.
RegFileInfo RegFileInfo encapsulates information about the MIPS register set.
StackInfo This class encapsulates information about a given stack frame, e.g., does it grow up or down, where is the return address stored, that sort of thing.
TempBuilder TempBuilder for MIPS.
TempVisitor TempVisitor is an extension of TempVisitor for handling extensions of Temp local to the MIPS backend.

Package harpoon.Backend.MIPS Description

Provides the classes for generating assembly code targetting the MIPS architecture.

The main parts of the MIPS backend are the classses RegFileInfo, InstrBuilder, Frame, TempBuilder, Code and the spec-file CodeGen.spec.

Emmett Witchel (