Package harpoon.Backend.Generic

Abstract superclasses for machine- or runtime-dependent classes.


Interface Summary
LocationFactory The LocationFactory interface provides a means for the runtime system to get access to some global storage for its use.
LocationFactory.Location The Locations returned by the LocationFactory allocation function are opaque data structures that permit only the creation of an accessor fragment in Tree form.
RegFileInfo.CommonLoc Common super class for StackOffsetLoc and MachineRegLoc.
RegFileInfo.MachineRegLoc Represents Machine Register Temps.
RegFileInfo.StackOffsetLoc Represents Stack Offset Temps.
RegFileInfo.TempLocator Defines function from (Temp x DefPoint) -> Set of CommonLoc.
Runtime.ObjectBuilder.ArrayInfo Information needed to build an array object.
Runtime.ObjectBuilder.Info General information about a built object's type and what label to use to refer to it.
Runtime.ObjectBuilder.ObjectInfo Information needed to build a non-array object.

Class Summary
Code Generic.Code is an abstract superclass of codeviews which use Instrs.
CodeGen Generic.CodeGen is a general class for specific Backends to extend.
Frame A Frame encapsulates the machine-dependent information needed for compilation.
GCInfo A GCInfo object collects data needed for garbage collection and makes necessary annotations to the instruction stream.
GCInfo.DLoc Derivation information stored as CommonLocs.
GCInfo.GCPoint A GCPoint contains information about all the live objects that the garbage collector needs to add to the root set at a particular GC point.
GCInfo.WrappedMachineRegLoc WrappedMachineRegLoc is a wrapper object for MachineRegLocs that implement special equals and hashCode methods.
GCInfo.WrappedStackOffsetLoc WrappedStackOffsetLoc is a wrapper object for StackOffsetLocs that implement special equals and hashCode methods.
InstrBuilder InstrBuilder defines an interface that general program transformations can call to generate needed assembly code blocks for arbitrary target architectures.
MaxMunchCG MaxMunchCG is a MaximalMunchCGG specific extension of CodeGen.
RegFileInfo RegFileInfo defines an interface that general program analyses can call to find out architecture specific information about the target machine's register file.
RegUseDefer RegUseDefer performs a Temp -> Register mapping on Backend Codes.
Runtime A Generic.Runtime provides runtime-specific information to the backend.
Runtime.ObjectBuilder The ObjectBuilder constructs data tables in the IR.Tree form to represent static objects which may be needed by the runtime---primarily string constant objects.
Runtime.TreeBuilder The TreeBuilder constructs bits of code in the IR.Tree form to handle various runtime-dependent tasks---primarily method and field access.
RuntimeInformation RuntimeInformation is an abstract encapsulation of analysis information about native methods as executed by a particular runtime system.
TempBuilder TempBuilder defines an interface that general program transformations can call to generate data structures to represent Temps.

Exception Summary
RegFileInfo.SpillException SpillException tells a register allocator which Temps are appropriate for spilling in order to allocate space for another Temp.

Package harpoon.Backend.Generic Description

Abstract superclasses for machine- or runtime-dependent classes.
