Package harpoon.Analysis.SizeOpt

This package contains various size optimizations, most of which operate on quad form.


Class Summary
BitWidthAnalysis BitWidthAnalysis implements Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation, with extensions to allow type and bitwidth analysis.
ConstructorClassifier The ConstructorClassifier class takes a look at constructor invocations and determines whether we can do one of several 'mostly-zero field' transformations.
Field2Method The Field2Method code factory converts all GET and SET operations on a given set of fields into calls to accessor getter/setter methods.
FieldReducer The FieldReducer code factory uses the results of a BitWidthAnalysis to shrink field types and eliminate unused and constant fields from objects.
MostlyZeroFinder The MostlyZeroFinder will add counters to find fields which are mostly zero (or mostly 1, 2, etc).
MZFCompressor The MZFCompressor class implements a class transformation aimed at eliminating "mostly-zero" (or "mostly (any constant)") fields from classes (thus reducing memory consumption).
SizeCounters The SizeCounters code factory adds counters for various allocation properties, to aid in determining the effectiveness of the various size optimizations in this package.

Package harpoon.Analysis.SizeOpt Description

This package contains various size optimizations, most of which operate on quad form.

C. Scott Ananian (