Package harpoon.Analysis.PA2

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AnalysisPolicy AnalysisPolicy groups together different pointer analysis options.
DSFactories DSFactories
EdgeSetVar EdgeSetVar
EVar EVar
Flags Flags
FullAnalysisResult FullAnalysisResult models the full information that pointer analysis was able to compute about an analyzed method.
FVar FVar
GraphOptimizations GraphOptimizations
InterProcAnalysisResult InterProcAnalysisResult models the analysis result that (1) is computed for the end of a method m; and (2) that is required in the inter-procedural analysis in order to treat calls to m.
IntraProc IntraProc
IVar IVar
LVar LVar
MapRelEdgeSetFactory MapRelEdgeSetFactory
MapRelPAEdgeSet MapRelPAEdgeSet
NodeRepository NodeRepository
NodeSetVar NodeSetVar
OVar OVar
PAEdgeSet PAEdgeSet
PANode PANode
PAUtil PAUtil
PointerAnalysis PointerAnalysis attemps to give a specification for the different pointer analysis implementations.
SpecialInterProc SpecialInterProc
Stats Stats
TypeFilter TypeFilter
WPPointerAnalysis WPPointerAnalysis is a whole-program pointer analysis.
WPPointerAnalysisCompStage WPPointerAnalysisCompStage
WriteConstraint WriteConstraint
WVar WVar

Enum Summary