Package harpoon.Analysis.MemOpt

This package contains an (in)compatibility analysis and a related memory preallocation optimization.


Class Summary
IAStatistics IAStatistics
IncompatibilityAnalysis Describe class IncompatibilityAnalysis here.
PreallocAllocationStrategy PreallocAllocationStrategy is the allocation strategy for the Static Memory Preallocation Optimization (via Ovy's Incompatibility Analysis).
PreallocData PreallocData
PreallocOpt PreallocOpt
PreallocOpt.SafeCachingCodeFactory A CachingCodeFactory that ignores all calls to clear (hence the name).
Util Util

Package harpoon.Analysis.MemOpt Description

This package contains an (in)compatibility analysis and a related memory preallocation optimization. The full algorithmic details are presented in our POPL03 paper.

The incompatibility analysis detects sets of allocation sites with the property that for each set S, at any given moment during the execution of the program, at most one object allocated at allocation sites from S is live. The preallocation optimization modifies the code for the allocation sites from a set S of compatible sites such that they reuse the same statically preallocated piece of memory.

Ovidiu Gheorghioiu <>, Alexandru Salcianu <>