Package harpoon.Analysis.GraphColoring

Provides the classes for coloring generic Graphs.


Interface Summary
ColorableGraph ColorableGraph extends GraphColoring.Graph with methods that are useful for a graph-coloring system.
DirectedGraph DirectedGraph is an extension of the Graph interface that tracks the direction of the edges that have been added to the graph.
Graph Abstractly, a Graph is a pair (V, E), where V is a set of nodes and E is collection of edges between those nodes.

Class Summary
AbstractGraph AbstractGraph is a skeletal implementation of the Graph interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
Color Color is a placeholder for specific graph colorers.
ColorableGraph.IllegalColor IllegalColor will be thrown on an attempt to color a node with a color that for some reason is not legal for that node in this graph.
ColorableNode ColorableNode
ColorFactory ColorFactory
DefaultSparseNode DefaultSparseNode
GraphColorer GraphColorer is a class for describing a graph coloring algorithm.
Node Node is an abstract representation of a node for use with the Graph object.
OptimisticGraphColorer OptimisticGraphColorer uses a strategy similar to that of SimpleGraphColorer, except after removing all nodes with degree < K (where K is the number of colors provided), it begins optimistically removing nodes in the hopes that they will not actually need to be spilled.
SimpleGraphColorer SimpleGraphColorer uses the simple but effective graph coloring strategy of progressively removing nodes with degree less than K, (where K is the number of colors provided).
SparseGraph SparseGraph is an implementation of a ColorableGraph object.
SparseNode SparseNode is an extension of a ColorableNode for use with the SparseGraph object.
UnableToColorGraph UnableToColorGraph is a control-flow construct for indicating the provided Graph Coloring algorithm failed to color a given graph.
UnboundedGraphColorer UnboundedGraphColorer uses the graph coloring strategy provided by another GraphColorer to search for a near minimum number of colors required.

Exception Summary
ColorableGraph.AlreadyColoredException AlreadyColoredException will be thrown on attempt to call g.setColor(node,color) when n is present in the node -> color mapping.
ColorableGraph.AlreadyHiddenException AlreadyHiddenException will be thrown on attempt to call g.addNode(n) while n is a member of the set of hidden nodes in g.
EdgeNotPresentException EdgeNotPresentException
IllegalEdgeException IllegalEdgeException
NodeAlreadyColoredException NodeAlreadyColoredException
NodeNotColoredException NodeNotColoredException
NodeNotPresentInGraphException NodeNotPresentInGraphException
NodeNotRemovedException NodeNotRemovedException
NoFactorySetException NoFactorySetException
ObjectNotModifiableException ObjectNotModifiableException
WrongNodeTypeException WrongNodeTypeException

Package harpoon.Analysis.GraphColoring Description

Provides the classes for coloring generic Graphs. The purpose of Graph Coloring is to detect potential Interferences (Resource Conflicts), and then use that knowledge to allow resource consumers to share resources. Graph coloring problems derive from the old mapmakers' rule that adjacent countries on a map should be colored with different colors. So in that case, colors are the resource, countries are the consumers, and borders between countries are the interferences.

The design of the GraphColoring package implements graph coloring analysis in terms of four parts: Graphs to represent resource consumers and the interferences between them, Colors to represent the resources, ColorFactories to represent resource generators (to allow for unbounded resources to be represented, like Stack Offsets), and GraphColorers to assign a mapping from consumers to resources.

Usually graph coloring is used for Register Allocation problems, although other problems can often be reduced to graph coloring (such as interface method table layout).

Related Documentation

For further information, see:

Felix Klock (