1 cananian  // HMethod.java, created Fri Jul 31 22:02:43 1998 by cananian
  2 cananian 1.23      // Copyright (C) 1998 C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
  3 cananian 1.23      // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL; see COPYING for details.
  4 cananian 1.1       package harpoon.ClassFile;
  5 cananian 1.1       
  6 cananian  import harpoon.Util.ArrayFactory;
  7 cananian 1.1       
  8 cananian 1.1       /**
  9 cananian 1.13       * An <code>HMethod</code> provides information about, and access to, a 
 10 cananian 1.1        * single method on a class or interface.  The reflected method
 11 cananian 1.1        * may be a class method or an instance method (including an abstract
 12 cananian 1.1        * method).
 13 cananian 1.1        * 
 14 cananian 1.4        * @author  C. Scott Ananian <cananian@alumni.princeton.edu>
 15 salcianu 1.34       * @version $Id: HMethod.java,v 1.34 2003/03/18 03:52:53 salcianu Exp $
 16 cananian 1.1        * @see HMember
 17 cananian 1.1        * @see HClass
 18 cananian 1.1        */
 19 cananian public interface HMethod extends HMember {
 20 cananian 1.1         /**
 21 cananian 1.1          * Returns the <code>HClass</code> object representing the class or 
 22 cananian 1.1          * interface that declares the method represented by this
 23 cananian 1.1          * <code>HMethod</code> object. 
 24 cananian 1.1          */
 25 cananian   public HClass getDeclaringClass();
 26 cananian 1.9       
 27 cananian 1.1         /**
 28 cananian 1.1          * Returns the name of the method represented by this <code>HMethod</code>
 29 cananian 1.1          * object, as a <code>String</code>.
 30 cananian 1.1          */
 31 cananian   public String getName();
 32 cananian 1.9       
 33 cananian 1.1         /**
 34 cananian 1.1          * Returns the Java language modifiers for the method represented by this
 35 cananian 1.22         * <code>HMethod</code> object, as an integer.  The 
 36 cananian 1.22         * <code>java.lang.reflect.Modifier</code>
 37 cananian 1.1          * class should be used to decode the modifiers.
 38 cananian 1.1          * @see java.lang.reflect.Modifier
 39 cananian 1.1          */
 40 cananian   public int getModifiers();
 41 cananian 1.9       
 42 cananian 1.1         /**
 43 cananian 1.1          * Returns a <code>HClass</code> object that represents the formal
 44 cananian 1.1          * return type of the method represented by this <code>HMethod</code>
 45 cananian    * object.  Returns <code>HClass.Void</code> if the method returns
 46 cananian    * no value.
 47 cananian 1.1          */
 48 cananian   public HClass getReturnType();
 49 cananian 1.12      
 50 cananian 1.12        /**
 51 salcianu 1.34         * Returns the descriptor for this method.  The format of a method
 52 salcianu 1.34         * string descriptor is defined in <a
 53 salcianu 1.34         * href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/html/ClassFile.doc.html#1169">Section
 54 salcianu 1.34         * 4.3</a> of the JVM specification.  */
 55 cananian   public String getDescriptor();
 56 cananian 1.9       
 57 cananian 1.1         /**
 58 cananian 1.1          * Returns an array of <code>HClass</code> objects that represent the
 59 cananian 1.1          * formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the method
 60 cananian 1.1          * represented by this <code>HMethod</code> object.  Returns an array
 61 cananian 1.1          * of length 0 is the underlying method takes no parameters.
 62 cananian 1.1          */
 63 cananian   public HClass[] getParameterTypes();
 64 cananian 1.9       
 65 cananian 1.1         /**
 66 cananian 1.8          * Returns an array of <code>String</code> objects giving the declared
 67 cananian 1.8          * names of the formal parameters of the method.  The length of the
 68 cananian 1.8          * returned array is equal to the number of formal parameters.
 69 cananian 1.8          * If there is no <code>LocalVariableTable</code> attribute available
 70 cananian 1.8          * for this method, then every element of the returned array will be
 71 cananian 1.8          * <code>null</code>.
 72 cananian 1.8          */
 73 cananian   public String[] getParameterNames();
 74 cananian 1.9       
 75 cananian 1.8         /**
 76 cananian 1.1          * Returns an array of <code>HClass</code> objects that represent the
 77 cananian 1.1          * types of the checked exceptions thrown by the underlying method
 78 cananian 1.1          * represented by this <code>HMethod</code> object.  Returns an array
 79 cananian 1.1          * of length 0 if the method throws no checked exceptions.
 80 cananian 1.1          */
 81 cananian   public HClass[] getExceptionTypes();
 82 cananian 1.6       
 83 cananian 1.6         /**
 84 cananian    * Determines whether this <code>HMethod</code> is synthetic, 
 85 cananian    * in the sense of "associated with an inner-class; not programmer
 86 cananian    * declared".
 87 cananian 1.6          */
 88 cananian   public boolean isSynthetic();
 89 cananian 1.15      
 90 cananian   /** Determines whether this <code>HMethod</code> is an interface method.
 91 cananian    *  @return true if the declaring class is an interface, unless this
 92 cananian    *          method represents the static class initializer of the
 93 cananian    *          interface.
 94 cananian 1.6          */
 95 cananian   public boolean isInterfaceMethod();
 96 cananian 1.15      
 97 cananian 1.17        /** Determines whether this is a static method. */
 98 cananian   public boolean isStatic();
 99 cananian 1.1       
100 cananian   /** Returns a mutator for this <code>HMethod</code>, or <code>null</code>
101 cananian    *  if the object is immutable. */
102 cananian   public HMethodMutator getMutator();
103 cananian   
104 cananian 1.1         /**
105 cananian 1.1          * Compares this <code>HMethod</code> against the specified object.
106 cananian 1.1          * Returns <code>true</code> if the objects are the same.  Two
107 cananian 1.1          * <code>HMethod</code>s are the same if they were declared by the same
108 cananian 1.1          * class and have the same name and formal parameter types.
109 cananian    */
110 cananian   public boolean equals(Object obj);
111 cananian 1.9       
112 cananian 1.1         /**
113 cananian 1.1          * Returns a string describing this <code>HMethod</code>.  The string
114 cananian 1.1          * is formatted as the method access modifiers, if any, followed by
115 cananian 1.1          * the method return type, followed by a space, followed by the class
116 cananian 1.1          * declaring the method, followed by a period, followed by the method
117 cananian 1.1          * name, followed by a parenthesized, comma-separated list of the
118 cananian 1.1          * method's formal parameter types.  If the method throws checked
119 cananian 1.1          * exceptions, the parameter list is followed by a space, followed
120 cananian 1.1          * by the word throws followed by a comma-separated list of the
121 cananian 1.1          * throws exception types.  For example:<p>
122 cananian 1.1          * <DL>
123 cananian 1.1          * <DD><CODE>public boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)</CODE>
124 cananian 1.1          * </DL><p>
125 cananian 1.1          * The access modifiers are placed in canonical order as specified by
126 cananian 1.1          * "The Java Language Specification."  This is
127 cananian 1.1          * <code>public</code>, <code>protected</code>, or <code>private</code>
128 cananian 1.1          * first, and then other modifiers in the following order:
129 cananian 1.1          * <code>abstract</code>, <code>static</code>, <code>final</code>, 
130 cananian 1.1          * <code>synchronized</code>, <code>native</code>.
131 cananian 1.1          */
132 cananian   public String toString();
133 cananian 1.33      
134 cananian 1.33        /*****************************************************************/
135 cananian 1.33        // JSR-14 extensions.
136 cananian 1.33      
137 cananian 1.33        /**
138 cananian 1.33         * Returns an array of <code>HType</code> objects that represent the
139 cananian 1.33         * formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the method
140 cananian 1.33         * represented by this <code>HMethod</code> object.  Returns an
141 cananian 1.33         * array of length 0 if the underlying method takes no parameters.
142 cananian 1.33         * <p>
143 cananian 1.33         * In particular, if the compile-time type of any formal parameter
144 cananian 1.33         * is a type variable or a parameterized type, than an object of the
145 cananian 1.33         * appropriate type (i.e., <code>HTypeVariable</code> or
146 cananian 1.33         * <code>HParameterizedType</code>) will be returned.
147 cananian 1.33         */
148 cananian 1.33        public HType[] getGenericParameterTypes();
149 cananian 1.33        /**
150 cananian 1.33         * Returns an <code>HType</code> object that represents the formal
151 cananian 1.33         * return type of the method represented by this
152 cananian 1.33         * <code>HMethod</code> object.  In particular, if the compile-time
153 cananian 1.33         * return type a parameterized type, than an object of the
154 cananian 1.33         * appropriate type (i.e., <code>HTypeVariable</code> or
155 cananian 1.33         * <code>HParameterizedType</code> will be returned.
156 cananian 1.33         */
157 cananian 1.33        public HType getGenericReturnType();
158 cananian 1.33        /**
159 cananian 1.33         * Returns an array of <code>HMethodTypeVariable</code> objects that
160 cananian 1.33         * represent the type variables declared by the method represented
161 cananian 1.33         * by this <code>HMethod</code> object, in declaration order.
162 cananian 1.33         * Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying method declares no
163 cananian 1.33         * type variables.
164 cananian 1.33         */
165 cananian 1.33        public HMethodTypeVariable[] getTypeParameters();
166 cananian 1.1       
167 cananian    /** Array factory: returns new <code>HMethod[]</code>. */
168 cananian    public static final ArrayFactory<HMethod> arrayFactory =
169 cananian     Factories.hmethodArrayFactory;
170 cananian 1.1       }
171 cananian 1.13      
172 cananian 1.13      // set emacs indentation style.
173 cananian 1.13      // Local Variables:
174 cananian 1.13      // c-basic-offset:2
175 cananian 1.13      // End: