Package harpoon.Runtime

This package contains runtime-support classes for any FLEX optimizations/transformations which need them.


Class Summary
ArrayCopy ArrayCopy contains a pure java implementation of the System.arraycopy() method.
Counters Counters uses reflection to provide a very light-weight counter package -- light-weight in terms of FLEX code required to add/enable counters, not necessarily light-weight in terms of execution time.
CounterSupport CounterSupport provides support for simple instrumentation.
DynamicSyncImpl DynamicSyncImpl is a helper class to implement dynamic synchronization removal.
MZFExternalMap The MZFExternalMap defines the interface which the MZFExternalize code factory (part of MZFCompressor) uses to interface to an external hashmap.

Package harpoon.Runtime Description

This package contains runtime-support classes for any FLEX optimizations/transformations which need them. Single-class support code should go in this package; if your support code comprises several classes, it should get its own package under this one, ideally named after the analysis/transformation which requires it: see for example, harpoon.Analysis.LowQuad.Transactions and harpoon.Runtime.Transactions.

For large amounts of support code with specific dependencies that do not mesh well with the FLEX build infrastructure, considering adding a JAR file to Support/ with the pre-built support code, and creating a separate CVS module for the actual sources.