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Quick reference

Class Name Description
HEADER Start node for control-flow graph. Performs no operation.
METHODHEADER Subclass of HEADER with additional method-argument information.
FOOTER End node for control-flow graph. Performs no operation.
AGET Fetch from an indexed array element.
ALENGTH Access the length of an array.
ANEW Create a new array object (uninitialized).
ASET Assign a value to an indexed array element.
CALL Invoke an object method.
CJMP Conditional jump based on a boolean value.
COMPONENTOF Determine whether an object reference is an instance of the component type of an array reference; result is a boolean value.
CONST Assign numeric or string constants to compiler temporary variables.
GET Fetch the value of an object field.
INSTANCEOF Determine whether an object reference is an instance of a given class; result is a boolean value.
MOVE Assign one compiler temporary to another.
NEW Create a new uninitialized class object.
NOP Do nothing.
OPER Perform a n-ary operation on set of compiler temporaries.
PHI $\phi$-function representation.
RETURN Return a value for this method invocation.
SET Assign a value to an object field.
SWITCH Jump to one of multiple targets, depending on a key value.
THROW Return an exception for this method invocation.

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C. Scott Ananian